

Roberto Rubet (Berto) is a Latino artist that upon completing the Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp, through the University of Richmond, will be a well rounded web development powerhouse. With 18 years of experience as a designer/illustrator and his ability to absorb complex technical data, he will emerge as a developer capable of unifying design and technology, creation and implementation, analysis and realization. (backgrounds & illustrations created by Berto!)


TOGETHER:AGAINST was difficult, yet fulfilling! We overcame some heavy technical obstacles and put together a decent functional app. It utilized the MVC software design pattern. Combinig our backend with our frontend was one of those "Ah ha!" moments. Seeing it all come together was really exciting. Check out the REPO and our Readme for more details on the technology and the application itself.

Link to the repository: TOGETHER:AGAINST REPO

Technologies Used:


Putting together this frontend with Meaghan was an absolute blast! It all came together rather quickly and we were able to build a clean and functional UI/UX. This also granted me the opportunity to make some 3D assets. Head on over to the deployed site to see it in action!

Link to live site: TOGETHER:AGAINST

Main View

All Couch Events

Event Main View

Login Page

Member page

Create Event Form


Burger Destroyer was a fun and perplexing project to work on. It utilized the MVC software design pattern. It forced me to really consider how my code was constructed. I got the opportunity to use new technologies such as Handlebars, ORM, and JawsDB.

Link to the repository: BURGER DESTROYER REPO

Technologies Used:


I had a great time working on the design for this project! I got the chance to draw a monsterous face, oozing liquids, and some beef patties! haha I went for a 'metal / Thrasher' sort of vibe.

Link to live site: BURGER DESTROYER

Main View

Empty Burger Column

Populated Burger Column


This project was an interactive mural search of Richmond, Va. (RVA). It exposed us to some great technologies, including a different CSS framework: Materialze CSS. On the backend, Mark and Javonte knocked it out of the park. Using multiple APIs and data sources, they pulled together all the data needed to get the map view operational.

Link to the repository: PERSPEKTIV REPO

Technologies Used:


Designed to be responsive, functional, and attractive, we had a wonderful time collaborating and coming together on this design. As part of the design team, Danny and I worked numerous hours getting the UI/UX just right.

Link to live site: PERSPEKTIV

Mural View

Map View with selected mural

Map View with local shop data


Meteor is a weather dashboard that allows a user to enter in a city name and receive updated weather conditions for that city. I really enjoyed digging into the open weather map API. Aside from wrestling with the API calls, making the bar graphs functional and tracking the local storage was an adventure! Checkout the Readme file in the repository for more detailed information.

Link to the repository: METEOR REPO

Technologies Used:


Laying out this design presented itself with some ineteresting opportunities. I wanted to keep the layout clean and to the point.

Link to live site: METEOR

Main view

Map view with search shown

Search with stored searches

UV index chart


This is a simple hour-by-hour work day scheduler. This application runs in the browser and features dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by jQuery. This project presented itself with some interesting opportunties regarding local storage, detecting time of day, and looping.

Link to the repository: ORCHESTRATE REPO

Technologies Used:


This is another responsive design that was built to be simple and funtional. Upon your first visit, you are met with a modal that introduces you to the application and gives you a rundown of all the icons and how the software works. I really liked the color palette and the overall layout.

Link to live site: ORCHESTRATE

Main view with an open entry

Main view with indicator

Expanded view

Introductory modal






(804) 355-1231



Art site